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Passengers File Class-Action Lawsuit Against Cruise Operator for COVID-19 Outbreak

Cruise ships have become an epicenter for the COVID-19 outbreak. Caught in close quarters with others as the virus was spreading, numerous passengers became ill and many eventually died. Th...

Apple and T-Mobile Face New Class-Action Lawsuit over Security Breaches

Apple has been making updates to its iOS system to address privacy concerns. Some of its previous software versions may have had breaks where third parties can access data. That is the concern for a new...

A Federal Judge Indicates that He Will Grant Class Certification in Antitrust Lawsuit against the UFC

The long-running legal saga that can pose an existential threat to the UFC took a step forward when the presiding federal judge indicated that he may grant class certific...

Experts Say This Recent Disney+ Lawsuit Could Be Game Changing

Disney is no stranger to controversy, so it is no surprise that the media giant regularly gets sued. However, a recent lawsuit might end up being far more impactful than others. A new lawsuit announced on Thur...

Cruise Operators Have Made it Difficult to Sue

Cruise operators are facing a number of lawsuits due to their actions surrounding COVID-19. From passengers who were sickened on ships to those who had cruises cancelled without a refund, the cruise industry has been besieged...

Video Gamers File Class-Action Lawsuits About Drifting Controllers

If you are a video game afficianado, you know that the controller can make or break your experience. If the controller is just a little bit off, it can ruin your video game experience and make your system ...

Illinois Residents May Soon Get Hundreds of Dollars in a Settlement from Facebook

If you live in Illinois, you may be able to receive hundreds of dollars in compensation if your have a Facebook account. The company recently settled a lawsuit for $650 million that alleged ...

Students File Lawsuit against Emory University Seeking a Refund

Parents and others who have made education tuition payments have been outraged by the fact that they have received no refunds in spite of the fact that in-person classes have been canceled and education shift...

Google Is Getting Set to Be Sued Once Again By States for Alleged Antitrust Violations

It seems these days as if Big Tech is hurtling from one lawsuit to the next as shareholders have begun to worry about their continued survival in light of the mounting legal worries. St...